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Want to get more involved?
Donate, Volunteer or Sponsor 

+ Make a one time $25,$50,$100 general Donation:

+ Become a Sponsor:

If interested in becoming one of " Vonnies World friends"  fill out submission form with your donation


Your business or name will be visible on our wall in our main entry as a supportive member of our entity


Gold wall Plaque $10,000

Silver wall Plaque $5,000

Bronze wall plaque $1,000

A childs Art Plaque $500

EIN: available upon request




















 Become a Vonnies World "Friend"

Help us make a difference

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Thank you for your support!

+ Alternate donation methods:

Donate by Mail: 3850 2nd street, suite 220, 2nd floor, Wayne, Mi 48184

+ your $25.00 gift buys, toys, equipment and material


 ï»¿+ your $50.00 gift gives a child and their family access to a free Respite Play Date for 2 1/2 hrs, a special needs child a free entry into the center to begin endless adventures & experiences


Respite care means: a break/relief from caregiving responsibilities to enjoy time for relaxation, errands or personal debriefing time 


   Donating any amount today can change a child's life tomorrow!


Become a Vonnies World Volunteer?


Contact us or leave a review

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